😻 Git Hub Commands 😻

Command :   git init

Description :

This Command Will Initilizes an Hidden Folder in the Directory

Command :   git status

Description :

This Command Will Show the all files in the directory in which it tells the All files are in Tracked Stage Or UnTracked Stage

Command :   git add .

Description :

The command "git add ." is used in Git version control to add all the changes in the current directory to the staging area. and Also it also converts all Untracked Files to The Tracking Files Stage.

Command :   git config user.name

Description :

This Command Will Tell About The Any Github User Name is Registered with Your Local Machine. (For One Local Machine can Accept Only One Github Account Crenditials).

Command :   git config user.email

Description :

his Command Will Tell About The Any Github Attached Mail Or Personal Mail is Registered with Your Local Machine. (For One Local Machine can Accept Only One Github Account Crenditials).

Command :   git config user.name Github_Username

Description :

When You Run This Command It will Register Your Github UserName With Your Local Machine.

Command :   git config user.email Email_ID

Description :

When You Run This Command It will Register Your Email_ID With Your Local Machine. (The Email_ID Should Be Connected to Your Github Account)

Command :   git commit -m " Write Your Message "

Description :

When You Run This Command It Will Make an Commit Of All Files In that Directory. (In Simple Words Commit Is LIke An Svaing Files)

Command :   git remote -v

Description :

This Command Will Show the All Remote Names Which Are Connected To The Github Repository

Command :   git remote add Remote_Name Repository_Link

Description :

This Command Will Make An Remote Connection Between The Your Local machine And Github Repository. (You Can Write Any Name in the Place of Remote_Name).

Command :   git branch

Description :

This command will inform you of the branch in which your directory is now active.

Command :   git branch Branch_Name

Description :

This Command Will Create An New Branch With An Existing Name.

Command :   git checkout Branch_Name

Description :

This Command Will Switch Between The Branches.

Command :   git push Remote_Name Branch_Name

Description :

This Command Will Push All Your Files in The Local Directory To The Remote Github Repository. (Make Sure That The Remote_Name Is Linked With Which Repository).

Command :   git pull Remote_Name Branch_Name

Description :

This Command is used to fetch and merge changes from a remote repository into your Local repository.

Command :   git fetch Remote_Name Branch_Name

Description :

This Command is used to retrieve the latest commits and changes from a remote repository without merging them into your local Directory.

Command :   git merge Branch_Name

Description :

This Command Will tell About The Git attempts to merge the changes from the "main" branch into your current branch, incorporating any new commits and modifications that have been made on the "main" branch since the branches diverged. Git automatically combines the changes, and if there are no conflicts, it creates a new merge commit that joins the two branches together. (Here "main" is an Branch_Name)

Command :   git clone Repository_URL

Description :

This Command Will Tell That It Will Create an Clone or Duplicate Directory Of That Github Repository.

Command :   git log

Description :

This Command Will Show The All Past and Present Commits

Command :   git remote rename Old_Name New_Name

Description :

This command renames a remote repository. If you have multiple remotes and want to change the name of one of them, you can use this command to update the remote's name.

Command :   git remote remove Remote_Name

Description :

This command removes a remote repository from your local Git repository. It disconnects the local repository from the specified remote repository.

Command :   git remote show Remote_Name

Description :

This command displays detailed information about a specific remote repository. It shows information such as the remote's URL, the branches it tracks, and the last fetched or pushed references.